Showing: 1 - 10 of 11 Articles

17 Twitter for Business Ideas

There are many local and small businesses using Twitter as a marketing tool. We’ve seen the headlines highlighting stand out examples of businesses using Twitter–yet many local, small businesses still have not gone beyond 101 activities.  Let’s look at the many ways businesses can leverage Twitter. Our list is assuming you’re familiar with the basics of how …

Daily Deal Reality Check

Groupon is the trailblazing company that started the daily deals revolution.  There are now 100+ daily deal clone sites targeting specific markets, cities, and industries–even those that aggregate.  While each presents real opportunity for most businesses, there are still challenges that can be costly. Go beyond Groupon. Groupon is definitely the holy grail in daily deals, at this …

QR Codes for Marketing: Everything You Need to Know

WTH!?  QR Codes?  Are QR Codes really viable for marketing? Wait a minute, I’m not Gucci, Ford or some other big brand… Indeed, you may not be a big brand–I would argue, as I have done for several clients, QR Codes are not just for the big boys.  A good understanding of your customer and how QR …

How to Grow Your Blog’s Email and RSS Subscribers [Data]

Subscribers are the holy grail.Whether you’re a make money blogger or a business using blogging to grow–email subscribers are important any way you slice it.  We’ve all heard about best practices and the usual advice:  be valuable, present the opportunity often, offer a download, blah blah blah.  All great, but we’ve heard it all before. … Striking Social Profiles

Last year, began developing a new social profile platform — similar to the many available, but yet so different and striking.  In October, they began to allow Beta entrants and the reservation of names.  Last week, they opened their doors to everyone. What makes different from the many options you have available is the striking simplicity of …

Business Blogging Blunders

Say that 10 times fast.  Business blogging is still an exceptional opportunity for lead generation, search optimization, and community building. It is also one of the most frequently misused online marketing strategies implemented by businesses.  Perhaps a disconnect from realizing social (of which blogging is a big part) is fundamentally different than traditional advertising. Mumbo-Jumbo Jargon Write …

Facebook’s New Profiles

Yesterday, Facebook announced the introduction of the new profile with features to give users a better snapshot of each other.  Layout and features focus on multimedia, including images, video and letting you feature your favorite connections. Note:  Facebook is not forcing the upgrade.  All users will have the choice to upgrade their profile… New Introduction The new introduction will …

Another Look at Google Instant

In recent months, Google announced Google Instant; and the web went into a frenzy.  Bloggers speculated and search marketers claimed doom upon their entire industry.  Yes, Instant has implications for search marketing.  No, Instant is not the end of the world as we know it. Google Instant is a natural progression, resulting from the macro-trend of real-time, …

Facebook Places for Local Marketing

Yesterday, Facebook made the anticipated announcement that Facebook Places is now live.  Places is expected to be a major blow to other location based services like FourSquare and Gowalla.  More importantly, Places presents another, location based marketing opportunity for businesses and organizations of all sizes. Imagine the possibility behind the power of location based marketing, on the world’s largest social network. Facebook Places from … Protect Your Email from Spam

Once you step into the social web, email in hand, you’re going to get slammed with spam! Most of it from bots and automated systems to scrape emails off the numerous places found on the social web. helps to protect your email and makes it a ton easier to share on the social web, like …