Blogging 101: Choosing a Blog Platform

Selecting a blog platform, is likely the most important decision you’ll make as you venture into blogging. Whether you’re a business blogger or “make money” blogger, it’s an important decision nonetheless because it affects your short-term and long-term online success. Important Considerations When Selecting a Blog Platform Goals. More precisely, what are you’re goals? What are the …

Social Media and Internet Marketing Week in Review

Great stuff across the past week… Let’s dive in! Social Media Marketing The Four Stages of the Twitter SeeSaw by Social Media Vision Why Dell Continues to Use Social Media with Community Guy TwitterAnalytics information worth a look from Beth Kanter Another Twitter in the browser tool from Twitterati Seven Must Haves in Your Social Media Strategy by Jason Baer …

Week in Review: Social Media, Blog Marketing, and More

Week in review, my time to share the brilliance and knowledge from across the Net.  And, this past week was packed with many valuable resources from social media marketing and blogging to great internet marketing tips anyone can use. Business Blogging and Blog Marketing Resources 16 Ideas for Free Products and Building Leads by Winning the Web Creating …

Want to Learn Online Marketing the Right Way?

… doesn’t everyone. With the lure of “easy money” and “make millions working from home” I don’t think I’ve met a single person who doesn’t want to generate income online. But, as I’ve eluded before, it’s not that easy. There’s a lot to learn, constantly. So, how do you learn online marketing? For the past six …

Online Marketing Success Secret Sauce

… is there such a thing?  Yes and no.  The one question I get asked is whether there’s a system, package, or “secret sauce” to online marketing success.  Its simple and complicated at the same time… The secret formula depends on what your goals are, who your audience is, the combined efforts of your online …

Quick Tip: Use Your Blog Comments as an Opportunity…

… to initiate a conversation with your audience. At the very least, make some point of contact and let the chips fall where they may. Why, you ask? Its really three-fold. Its just another opportunity to engage in conversation with your audience. If done right, you could encourage blog RSS subscriptions, a very good thing. …

Google Alerts … Your online branding friend … Say What?

… Yep. Its true, something of Google can be of use to you… And, you will actually enjoy this tool that Google has for you: Google Alerts. Coaches, consultants, speakers, writers, book authors, trainers, lawyers, online entrepreneurs, and really anyone who is: … wanting to develop a solid online brand. … wanting to build online and offline expert status. … wanting to …